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TrademarkVana works with companies of all sizes and assists clients with trademark applications. 

We design a convenient working platform for the attorneys who work with TrademarkVana so that they can not only systematically manage national and international trademark applications, but also quickly respond to clients' questions.

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Project Overview

| Objective

Our team and I aim to design a terminal-based work platform for attorneys who are using TardemarkVana. The product will enable attorneys to handle national and international cases, communicate with clients and schedule work with efficiency and convenience.

| Challenges

With little background in the trademark application, it was challenging for our group to create an attorney platform for TrademarkVana that they didn't have.

Internally, we did research on the TrademarkVana. Externally, we also did research on trademark applications and attorneys.

| Role & Deliverables

In this group of 6, I was mainly responsible for creating the personas and designing the profile for attorneys so they could manage their information on the platform. In addition, in the process of our teamwork, I also actively communicated with team members and gave suggestions to make our project run more smoothly.

| Outcome

After meeting with the client for several rounds and doing comprehensive research on trademark applications, we gradually met the client's expectations and achieved our design goals with continuous improvement.

Finally, we present the functions and design of the entire attorney platform with a high-fidelity prototype.


We had an interview with Donald, the founder of TrademarkVana, before we started getting into the project. The purpose is to better understand the company and how the attorneys work with them. The following are the Q-Burst questions we listed:

Attorney Platform

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Security and System

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International Scope

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Problem Statement

How to make the registered trademark agency platform capable of rapid response, convenience, professionalism, and internationalization?


  • Preliminary Research

National and international trademark applications

IP attorneys

Demographic labels

  • Competitive Analysis


With the growth of new startups in the United States coupled with the expansion of multinational corporations, the demand for IP attorneys and trademark registration services has greatly increased. We did a competitive analysis of platforms with similar services to TrademarkVana. Through the analysis we hope to:

  1. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of trademarkVana.

  2. Identify opportunities for improvement.

  3. Make productive decisions.

Competitive Chart:

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  • Personas & Journey Maps

After interviewed with the attorneys from TrademarkVana, we integrated the information into personas and journey maps to help us understand the needs of users more specifically from their perspective.

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  • Solution

1. Our goal is to make education and attorney assistance accessible to entrepreneurs from the US and all around the world, especially those from underrepresented communities.

2. In providing detailed and accurate legal information focused on the clients’ specific needs,
TrademarkVana will help minimize the risk of application refusal. A portal with robust attorney
and client profiles and succinct information regarding timelines surrounding office actions
ensure a smooth filing process

  • Minimum Viable Product

Must Have

  • Platform search

  • Attorney portal

       - Menu

       - Attorney Profile 

       - Client list

       - Integrated calendar - API

       - Recent activity - Appointment Request,

          Unread Message, NewClient Request

  • Full client profiles

        - Client activity(New message, New 


  • My US vs My International Marks Tab

  • Marks, applications, and related files

  • Documents

  • International Filing

  • Internal notes field

  • Technical assistance/Help

  • Accepting New Clients y/n status

  • Renewal Notices/ Timing

Nice to Have

  • Paralegal user portal

       - Trademark Search API

  • Platform administrator user portal

       - Permissions, access

  • Quick links widget

       - USPTO search

       - Frequently visited sites

  • Tablet platform

Wish List

  • Time tracker

  • Performance dashboard

  • Chatbots (AI)

  • Mobile app

  • User Flow

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High-Fidelity Prototype

  • Dashboard

  • My Profile

  • New Clients



I am very glad to be able to create this informative attorney platform with my team members in a short period of time. Our final outcome not only meets user needs but also provides them with additional helpful features. I believe the  attorneys that work with TrademarkVana can improve their working efficiency and manage their application documents systematically by using our platform.
If we had more time to work on this project, I would move the process forward to a user test for IP attorneys. Since the trademark application process needs to be handled with great care, I would like to know whether the platform needs further improvement through the feedback from users.

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