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An age-appropriate platform that helps students improve their reading and interact with teachers while engaging in a fun experience.


Project Overview

| My Role

UX designer leading the design of the project by working closely with my scrum team.

| Duration

7 months

| Brief Intro to Ed

Ed is an online teaching and learning system that combines technology, content, and instruction to personalize the teaching and learning experience with HMH (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) programs. And Bookshelf is one of the platforms that lies in Ed to provide e-reading services.

| Problem Statement

" As a student, I want support in reading independently in a motivating environment, so that I can better improve my reading skills."

" As a teacher, I want to be able to browse the books available to my students, so that I can make recommendations to the class."

| Solution

Design Bookshelf around goal achievement that enables students to improve reading with fun experience.


First thing first, what do our users want to do and what they aim to accomplish during their independent reading?

Started by creating user stories to develop a preliminary understanding of current services, followed by generating user tasks to shuffle out the flows on Miro board designed to discover the specific demands and challenges faced by users.

| User Stories

As a student, I want support in selecting an Independent Reading title, so that
what I am choosing is both interesting and aligned with my reading level.

"As a student, I want to be able to quickly find the digital Independent Reading books I am currently reading, so that I am able to maximize time for Independent Reading."

As a student, I want to demonstrate my understanding of the books I have
read, so that I can receive credit accountable for the content.

"As a student, I want to be able to see key metrics around my reading, so that I am motivated to meet my reading goals."

| User Flows

User Story and Task (Bookshelf) - Bookshelf-student workflow v1.jpg
User Story and Task (Bookshelf) - Bookshelf-student workflow v4.jpg

Initial User Flows

Iterate Version includes Edge Cases

Problems Found

In a clear perspective after discussions with the Product Owners, we target on 4 major problems that students and teachers currently facing. My team and I then collaborated on Miro board with Q&A according to the core problems, followed by integrating my analysis of user flows to put our team on the same page for the scope of MVP.


     Lack of support in choosing titles.


     Not age-appropriate for young readers       to use.


     Not feeling motivated in


     No Bookshelf at teacher's end.


Finally, we come up with the MVP divided in 4 sections: Onboarding process, Bookshelf Main Page, All Books and Reading History!

| Minimum Viable Product


  • Favorite topics setting

  • Reading goal setting

Bookshelf Main Page

  • Reading goal setting

  • Current reading shelf

  • You might like

  • Favorite topics setting

  • Popular books

All Books 

  • Search and filters

My Reading History

  • List of history reading records

Design Solutions

Check out the high fidelity prototypes!

First Time Login - Favorite Topics Setting.png

| Onboarding Process

For new students first time enter Bookshelf, we have 2 steps for them to set up.

Step 1, students will pick the topics they are interested in so that we can better understand their preferences to make recommendations. 

Step 2, students are encouraged to set reading goals after discussing with their teachers to find it motivated in reading.

截圖 2024-01-19 上午2.23.09.png
First Time Login - Pick Maximum 8 Topics Modal.png
First Time Login - Skip Reading Goals Setting.png

And it's ok not feeling to set up anything at this point! Confirmation pop-ups provide further details guiding students to move forward.

| Bookshelf Main Page

Bookshelf - Main Page (haven't started Current Reading).png

Welcome to your Bookshelf!

After setting up the preferences and goals with onboarding process, students will land on Bookshelf where they can first see their reading level and reading goals around 3 different metrics they have set.

To start choosing their first book, students then could scroll down to view recommendations from You Might Like as well as Popular Books between their classmates.

Bookshelf - Main Page bottom(haven't started Current Reading).png

Indicators of format and lexile level support students in better choosing the books.

| All Books

All Books is a library system for students to look up all the titles. 

More options can be found here and maybe discover new preferences while searching!

Bookshelf - All Books_edited.jpg
Group 8187.png

| My Reading History

In addition to feeling motivated by achieving goals, Reading History shows how much improvement the student has made.

Students can come back to their history records for the books they really like and challenge themselves by taking the advanced quiz to earn more points.


* Students can choose which quiz level to start after finishing the book. If the standard quiz has passed, students can return for the advanced one.

Bookshelf - Reading History.png

Usability Testing

Let's see how users feel about Bookshelf.

After I visualized the discussion results into a prototype, we wanted to see if users found it intuitive and easy to understand. So I work closely with the UX research team to conduct qualitative usability testing with 6 users according to the research questions we want to understand.

| What The Users Were Saying

"It is good because it can tell you the best
books to read and it is
helpful."  -P4 student

"we can't skip the settings to move on."  -P5 student

截圖 2022-08-14 上午11_edited.jpg

"probably click on one of
these little boxes and it takes you to different choices of books of careers for example." 

-P2 student

截圖 2022-08-14 上午11.21_edited.jpg

"having the goals is motivating to read more." -P1 student

What's Next?

I'm delighted that after the hard work with my team over the past 7 months, Bookshelf has officially launched in August 2023 during back to school!

Throughout the design, students are our primary audience which also includes younger readers. And this means that Bookshelf covers a wide range of accessibility considerations, and I need to meet the requirements from the child's perspective, behavior and the way they think. Iterative usability testings allow me to continuously discover the user's ability to complete tasks and validate the best design solutions.

User-centric is the best deliverable to represent Bookshelf.

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